Wasp & Hornet Control

Wasp & Hornet Control

Mud Daubers

Mud Daubers are wasps with long and slender bodies, known for their distinctive mud nests. They can sting if threatened, although they are not typically aggressive. However, if their nests are not treated, they can become an unsightly problem.


Mud Daubers build their nests on the sides of structures, under window sills, and eaves. These nests can appear as clay pots, mud patches, or mud tubes.


When it comes to treating Mud Daubers, spraying is not necessary. Our experts cap the nests, causing the pests to leave. Removing the mud tube will effectively eliminate infestations on your home or property.

Our pest experts take a personalized approach to treat your property, ensuring that your concerns are addressed and your home is protected both inside and out. We are committed to providing you with peace of mind and ensuring that you can fully enjoy your home.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps, like yellow jackets, can be quite aggressive and make it difficult to spend time outdoors. They are named paper wasps because of the paper-like structure of their nests, which are made from chewed-up wood and can often be found around your property.

These wasps are generally black with yellow markings and measure about 5/8 to 3/4 inch in size. Unlike yellow jackets and hornets, paper wasp nests do not have a surrounding envelope of paper. One way to distinguish them from European paper wasps is by their somewhat blunter and more compact body form. Additionally, paper wasps' long hind legs tend to trail below when they are in flight.

Paper wasp nests are constructed using paper made from chewed wood fibers, often obtained from weathered fences, porch decks, and similar sites. They commonly utilize dark cavities such as those found in outdoor grills, large bells, pipes, rock cavities, and hollow spaces behind walls. Nests are also frequently attached to wood surfaces, roughened metal surfaces, or rocks, typically found underneath porch decks, eaves of homes, or other overhangs.

When it comes to treating paper wasps, our experts employ various methods such as sprays, dusts, or baits targeted at their nests. We take a tailored approach to address the infestation and ensure that any remaining wasps in the area do not return. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind and protect your home both inside and out.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jackets are one of the most troublesome pests to deal with at home due to their aggressive nature and painful stings. They are commonly found in and around homes and can disrupt outdoor events as they search for food and water. Getting rid of them can be challenging without the risk of getting stung.


Yellow Jackets are small wasps with yellow and black markings. They are known for their aggressive behavior and will sting if they feel threatened. Their nests are usually found in underground burrows, tree stumps, or wall voids. They are social insects and live in colonies with a queen and worker wasps.


Yellow Jackets seek out areas that provide food and water sources, such as garbage cans, outdoor eating areas, and gardens. They can also build nests in wall voids, attics, or other protected areas of a home. Their nests can be hidden and difficult to locate.


Dealing with Yellow Jackets requires special treatment and protective gear to ensure safety and effectiveness. Our experts use specific products in the evening when the Yellow Jackets are less active. They may also remove the nest to prevent their return.

Our pest control specialists take a customized approach to address your specific concerns and protect your home, both inside and out. We are committed to providing you with peace of mind and ensuring that you can enjoy your home without the presence of Yellow Jackets.

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