Silverfish Control

Silverfish Control


Silverfish, peculiar and unsettling-looking insects, have a preference for warmth, moisture, and shelter, making areas such as pantries, basements, bathrooms, and kitchens their ideal habitats. These agile runners have a aversion to light, making them unwelcome guests in any home.

Silverfish are shiny, silver, or pearl gray in color and typically measure about 1/2 inch in length, although they can grow up to 3/4 inch. Both Firebrats and Silverfish adults have slender, wingless, soft bodies with two long and slender antennae. Their bodies gradually taper from the front to the rear, ending with three long and thin, tail-like appendages.

Silverfish thrive and develop in damp and warm environments, with a relative humidity above 75% at higher temperatures. You can find them around ovens, heating units, fireplaces, hot water pipes, attics during the summer, and furnaces during the winter. In apartments and homes, they crawl along pipelines and through openings in walls or floors, moving from one level to another. Occasionally, you may spot these pests in your bathtub or sink. Although they cannot crawl up through the drain, if they fall in, they are unable to climb up the slippery sides to escape.

When it comes to treating silverfish, we recommend thoroughly cleaning the affected areas before treatment to discourage their presence. Silverfish are attracted to environments with food, dust, and water. Our experts can perform spot treatments in specific areas or rooms where silverfish pose a threat or potential threat.

Our pest experts take a personalized approach when treating your property, ensuring that we address your concerns and protect your home from silverfish inside and out. Our dedication lies in providing you with peace of mind and ensuring that you can fully enjoy your home without the presence of silverfish.

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