Earwig Control

Earwig Control


Earwigs are unsettling pests that have often been the subject of bug-related horror stories. While they primarily cause damage to gardens and plants outdoors, they can easily find their way into your home if not properly treated.


Earwigs are primarily known for the "forceps" located at the hind end of their bodies, called "cerci." These forceps are a distinctive feature of earwigs.


Earwigs can be found in areas with a high concentration of organic material, such as window wells. They are particularly attracted to fruit trees and ripe fruits, including peaches, nectarines, apricots, and berries. These pests can cause damage to these fruits.


When treating earwigs, our experts focus on areas around your home's foundation, flower beds, mulch areas, and turf within a short distance from the building. We also treat crawl spaces to prevent earwigs from entering the home. Additionally, we apply perimeter treatments around the building, adjacent to the foundation, to prevent or limit earwigs from getting indoors.

Our team of pest experts takes a customized approach to treat your property, ensuring that your specific concerns are addressed and your home is protected both inside and out. We are committed to providing you with peace of mind and ensuring that you can enjoy your home without the presence of earwigs.

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