Fly Control

Fly Control

House Flies

House Flies are common pests that can be found in homes. While they do not bite or sting, their presence can be quite bothersome, especially when they gather around garbage or waste areas and quickly spread.


- House flies are typically 4 to 7.5mm long and have hairy gray bodies with four distinct black stripes.

- They have large compound eyes and oblong wings that are approximately the same size as their bodies.


- House flies lay their eggs in warm and damp places that provide an abundant food source for their newly hatched larvae. Common breeding sites include garbage cans, compost bins, and uncleaned pet waste in yards.

- They prefer to rest on corners, edges, or thin objects. Indoors, they can be found resting on floors, walls, and ceilings during the day. Outdoors, they may rest on plants, the ground, fence wires, or garbage cans. At night, they typically rest near sources of food and within 5 to 15 feet of the ground.


To effectively address house flies, our experts follow these steps:

- First, we ensure that the treatment area meets the required level of sanitation.

- We use fly traps and bait in areas where flies are a problem, such as rooms, near windows, and thresholds, in order to prevent flies from re-entering.

Our pest experts understand the importance of a tailored approach when treating your property. We work diligently to address your concerns and protect your home both inside and out. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with peace of mind and ensure that you can fully enjoy your home, free from the annoyance of house flies.

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